



1. 桑拿房:中心设有多个桑拿房,采用先进的芬兰式桑拿设备,房间内设有躺椅,让消费者在享受桑拿的同时,能够充分休息。

2. 蒸汽房:蒸汽房采用天然植物精华,通过高温蒸汽促进血液循环,帮助身体排出毒素,具有很好的养生效果。

3. 汗蒸房:汗蒸房采用远红外线加热技术,使消费者在短时间内大量出汗,达到排毒养颜、减肥塑形的效果。

4. 按摩室:中心设有专业的按摩师,提供全身按摩、足疗、头部按摩等多种服务,帮助消费者缓解疲劳,舒缓压力。

5. 健身区:健身区设有跑步机、动感单车、哑铃等健身器材,消费者在享受桑拿的同时,也能进行适量的运动。



1. 服务态度:中心员工均经过专业培训,具备良好的服务意识,热情周到地为消费者提供咨询、引导等服务。

2. 专业技能:中心按摩师均持有相关资格证书,具备丰富的按摩经验,能够为消费者提供专业的按摩服务。

3. 品质保证:中心所用设备均为知名品牌,确保消费者在享受桑拿的过程中,能够体验到舒适、安全的享受。



1. 会员制度:中心设有会员制度,会员可享受优惠价格、积分兑换、免费体验等活动。

2. 节假日优惠:在节假日,中心推出各种优惠活动,让消费者在享受桑拿的同时,还能节省开支。

3. 联合促销:中心与周边商家合作,推出联合促销活动,让消费者在享受桑拿的同时,还能享受其他优惠。





1. 杭州四季酒店桑拿中心


2. 西湖国宾馆桑拿中心



1. 滨江世嘉酒店桑拿中心


2. 绿城西溪喜来登酒店桑拿中心



1. 浙江省中医院桑拿中心


2. 杭州东方养生馆









1. 桑拿天堂




2. 福瑞轩桑拿中心




3. 水立方桑拿会所




4. 桑拿驿站




5. 悦心桑拿





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2. 选择信誉良好的团购网站或平台,确保团购安全可靠。

3. 在团购时,注意查看商家口碑和用户评价,选择口碑较好的商家。

4. 团购成功后,注意保存好订单信息,以便日后查询和使用。






1. 西湖夜景:夜幕降临,西湖的美景更是别有一番风味。白堤、苏堤、断桥等景点在灯光的映衬下,更显古典韵味。湖面上的游船在灯光的照耀下,宛如一条条银色的丝带,穿梭在湖面上,为夜晚的西湖增添了一抹生机。

2. 钱塘江夜景:钱塘江两岸的灯光秀,以现代科技手段,将江水、桥梁、城市景观融为一体,呈现出一场震撼人心的视觉盛宴。尤其是“月光女神”这一光影秀,以其独特的艺术表现形式,成为了杭州夜晚的一大亮点。

3. 商业街区:河坊街、南宋御街等商业街区,在夜晚的灯光下,人头攒动,热闹非凡。各类特色小吃、文艺表演、购物体验,让游客流连忘返。



1. 传统戏曲:在南宋御街等地,各类传统戏曲表演吸引了众多游客驻足欣赏。京剧、越剧、黄梅戏等经典曲目,传承了中华民族的优秀文化。

2. 特色市集:河坊街等地的特色市集,展示了杭州的传统手工艺品、特色小吃等,让游客在购物的同时,感受古城的文化气息。

3. 夜游西湖:乘坐游船夜游西湖,欣赏西湖夜景,感受古典诗词的魅力,成为了游客们夜游杭州的首选。



1. 灯光秀:通过高科技灯光设备,将城市景观、文化元素、科技元素融为一体,为游客呈现一场视觉盛宴。

2. 无人机表演:在钱塘江、西湖等景点,无人机编队表演成为夜晚的一大亮点。无人机在空中绘制出各种图案,为游客带来震撼的视觉体验。

3. 智慧城市:杭州作为全国首个智慧城市试点,夜晚的灯光控制系统实现了智能化、精细化,为游客提供了更加舒适的夜晚出行体验。



"Are you anxious?" The secret commander said softly, "The villa has just written to Lao Shouzhang, who ate some meat at noon, and his blood pressure may have to wait."

Gu Taian paused and asked, "Is it serious?"
"It’s okay, the old anchor is ill," the secret chief replied with a smile. "I just finished talking with Shouzhang. He is in good spirits and will be able to come over after the injection, but the afternoon meeting may become a party."
"Oh" Gu Taian nodded. "Then wait."
"There’s a tea meal here at the good venue, and I’ll have it sent over." The secret chief said politely, "Then you have a rest first and I’ll inform one of the others."
Say that finish the secret long leave.
Gu Taian has been rubbing his hands behind his back faster and faster.
"Why don’t we just call the villa?" Gu Taixian face also very seriously asked.
"Dial the number in the past and pick it up for me," Gu Taian replied softly.
Gu Taixian took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the villa. After less than a minute of communication, he looked up and said, "The villa people said that the doctor is giving a physical examination and will come back later."
Gu Taian didn’t speak and turned to the window again.
"It’s a bit unusual," said the senior colonel’s staff face seriously.
Gu Taian put out his fingers and immediately said, "If you don’t have dinner, you won’t eat with Xiao Qin back to the headquarters in Yanbei."
Gu Gu said this very tactfully, but the senior colonel staff got the message. He took out his words and nodded and replied, "Okay, I’ll arrange it."
Senior colonel staff went to the door and dialed the words of the headquarters guard camp "You come to Yanbei"
Another lounge
Lin Yaozong sat on the sofa and frowned at the person next to him and said, "Check the news as soon as possible."
"Good" middle-aged officer nodded and trotted out immediately.
At about six o’clock in the evening, it was already dark, but there was still no group of bosses waiting in the lounge at the regular meeting. They could neither leave nor ask around like headless flies
Zhang Mi, the general manager of the General Political Department, came three times, but he said that it was a cliche to delay, which made the big bosses wonder more.
After more than ten minutes, Gu Taian suddenly turned around and said, "I didn’t wait to go to the villa."
Just then Gu Taixian’s mobile phone rang, and he took it out and wrote a few big characters when he met.
"The old palm passed away!"
Gu Taixian can get up when he sees this newsletter.
Chapter 1493 A blustery night
Gu Taixian was a little excited and pulled the iron hat king aside and whispered, "One died."
"Are you sure about the news? !” Gu Taian paused for two seconds before opening his mouth and asking
"Make sure the news is that the doctors around the zones of hospitals are all there." Gu Taixian nodded.
Gu Taian put his hands behind his back and arranged a clothes "walk" with expression.
Lounge 3
Yao-zong Lin holding the shoulder at the window is also waiting for news.
"Didi Lingling!"
After a while, the bell rang, and Lin Yaozong smiled and picked up the words "Hello Zhang Mi Chang"
"Commander Lin, come to a villa. The old palm wants to see you." Zhang Mi said softly.
"Isn’t it?" Lin Yaozong asked
"Lao Shouzhang’s condition is not very stable and he wants to see you." Zhang Mi said softly, "You don’t have to come by yourself."
Lin Yaozong frowned. "Okay, I understand."
"That’s it"
Say that finish two people ended the call.
Lin Yaozong pondered for a few seconds and immediately said, "Transfer the guard company to the villa."

Wang Yue saw Master Yi Deng and others and said, "You have to use extreme measure to save people like fire."

Wang Yueduan took a cup of tea for the first two steps and laughed. "Qiu Qianchi, I know that you are determined. The general method is not for you. If you can resist the life and death, just pretend that I didn’t say anything today. We don’t want my horse to leave the Valley of Desperate Love with the East and Little Dragon Girl."
"Oriental try to reverse the true qi according to the method I told you!" Wang Yue handed the teacup to Li Mochou.
Li Mochou’s cultivation is a small martial arts and family boxing.
It is not a problem to simulate the six yang palms in Tianshan Mountain.
Li Mochou sneer at a palm qi suddenly become cold biting palm tea suddenly turned into ice crystals.
Li Mochou flew to Qiu Qianchi with an ice crystal streamer.
Qiu Qianchi came into the body without defending the ice.
"Huh?" Qiu Qianchi felt itchy and then itched more and more.
"Ah, straight Niang thief, what did you give me?" Qiu Qianchi shouted that the veins stood out suddenly and violently, just like the evil spirits, and their faces were even more ferocious.
When Gongsun Lve saw Qiu Qianchi, she cried and shouted, "I beg you to leave my mother alone. She is now a cripple and poses no threat to you."
Wang Yue said, "I want heartbroken grass, Qiu Qianchi. If you don’t want to talk about it, we can wait until you want to talk about it. We have waited for half a year and don’t care about this moment."
Qiu Qianchi’s scream made master Yi Deng and Huang Rong shudder. This is too sad.
Life and death symbol? How could Wang Yue be so vicious?
Qiu Qianren always drinks Wang Yuegong at this time.
Qiu Qianren’s palm became livid and fleshy, as if it had become fine steel.
Wang Yue smiled "iron palm? If I didn’t guess wrong, you should be Qiu Qianren, the iron palm gang leader. "
Wang Yue’s hand is full of qi and blood energy, and the dark explosion sends a punch in the palm of Qiu Qianren’s hand.
Two energy explosions directly destroyed the seats in the hall.
Huang Rong hurried to protect Guo Xiang from the true qi wave.
Although Qiu Qianren is also a master fighter, he is even worse than Guo Jing and even worse than Wang Yue.
Wang Yue repelled him with one blow.
Qiu Qianren vomited an one mouthful blood and turned pale.
Master Yi Deng stood in front of Qiu Qianren and said, "Wang Yue, young Xia, please show your mercy because of her high martial arts."
Wang Yue laughed. "I don’t want to kill anyone either, but I can’t blame anyone for dying."
At this time, Qiu Qianchi said, "I said, I said that the grass is on the heartbroken cliff."
Qiu Qianchi is really can’t stand it. She didn’t expect this life and death operator to be so tortured.
Wang Yue smiled. "Thank you, Dongfang, for giving her an explanation of life and death."
Yang Guo and Lu Shuang are both excited, and the poison of love affair can finally be lifted.
"Where’s the little dragon girl?" Wang Yue asked Gongsun Lve.
Gongsun Lve said, "Sister Xiaolong is in the room. Let me take you there."
Gongsun Lve took Wang Yue and Li Mochou to the little dragon girl’s room, but they were alone.
Wang Yue eyebrows a wrinkly asked, "didn’t you say she was in the room? What is not there? "
Gongsun Lve panicked. "I don’t know what’s going on. She was still here at noon, and I brought her dinner."
Li Mochou said, "Wang Yue, don’t worry yet. Maybe your sister is just going out for a stroll. I believe she will be back soon."
"Find him."
The little dragon girl is on the edge of heartbroken cliff, and the half-year horse is coming. Her love affair poison is getting worse and worse, and she will die at any time.
The little dragon girl misses Wang Yue, but she is afraid to see him. She doesn’t want to die in front of Wang Yue.
The little dragon girl wrote on the stone wall that she would meet after sixteen years.
When Wang Yue, Li Mochou, Huang Rong, Guo Fu, Yang Guo, Lu Shuang, Yi Deng and others arrived at the heartbroken cliff, the little dragon girl had disappeared and left the handwriting on the stone wall
Wang Yue was surprised that the little dragon girl left again?
This time, it will be dangerous for the little dragon girl to leave even if it is true. She is still in love with poison.
Wang Yue smiled coldly at the handwriting on the stone wall. "See you in sixteen years?"
Before seeing Wang Yue’s abnormal mood, Huang Rong comforted, "Wang Yue, don’t worry. I think the little dragon girl must have been taken away by the South China Sea Shenni. I heard my father say that the South China Sea Shenni is a generation of high-ranking people who appear once every 16 years. There is absolutely no danger for the little dragon girl to follow her."

Chapter three thousand three hundred and thirty-nine What are you?

The nine saints stood in front of the mountain leader’s request and did not refute it for the first time, but thoughtfully remained silent.
Sage Jiang Chao and Sage Hui also bowed their hands and said, "It’s definitely not our wish that a few Taoist friends have come to this situation today."
"Terrans are willing to quit this time, and the chance of sanctifying the forbidden area is still expected to be achieved by several Taoist friends."
Seeing the sage Jiang Chao and the sage Hui coming out of our headquarters, the sage looked contemptuously and sneered, "You two have just become saints, so what are you worthy of waiting for us!"
Jiang Chao sage and Hui sage face a change.
They are terran saints who were scolded by the Nine-Day Sage in front of all the people, leaving no mercy!
Saint Zhu Tian also said coldly, "It is still unknown whether you can keep the holy position on the avenue. You are not qualified for me to wait for the conditions!"
This is already a naked threat.
The faces of Jiangchao Sage and Huisheng became a little ugly.
Su Mo looked thoughtful.
The nine saints in the five holy places didn’t take Jiang Chao and Hui seriously.
On the contrary, they are not too offended by respecting the mountain leader, and it seems that they are somewhat restrained.
Saint arrival, everyone’s fate is out of their control.
Even Su Mo has no other way to wait and see.
The sage Jun Tian suddenly said, "Since you are willing to talk, we can take a step back. You can take these terrans back."
"But the two of them will die today!"
The sage of our headquarters also said coldly, "The rebellion of the night spirit should also stay. I want to take it back to the clan rules of the silent holy land for disposal!"
All the strong people are secretly frightened when they hear these words.
Nine-day sage can make this compromise, which can be said to be enough for the mountain to grow.
You know, in the war that just broke out, the Terran Zun also killed many people in the Holy Land.
Now, because the mountain is long, a word can make him leave with the remaining Terrans.
Jiang Chao sage and Hui sage are also a joy in my heart.
In all fairness, the promise of being a saint for nine days has far exceeded their expectations.
It’s that wild weapon …
Anyway, Su Mo was involved in this war because of Terran Zun.
I’m really sorry if they abandon their weapons like this.
Mountain long silence for a moment is still a bitter face fuels, "you are all saints and will argue with these statues …"
"I said that if you go against the sky, you will die today and no one can save him!"
There is no doubt that the sage Jun Tian will directly interrupt the mountain long-distance conversation.
Mountain long wry smile "he was also a soaring world nai …"
On a hot day, the sage heard some impatience and directly reprimanded him, "Don’t push your luck with old things!"
Mountain long face bitter sighed deeply.
"So imposing?"
Just then, a cold sound started.
For a moment, a white woman like Snow Maiden came to the forbidden area, and she exuded a powerful holy power, which was faintly superior to the nine-day sage!
"Yao Xue?"
Sue ink see bearer mind a shock.
When ten thousand families in the forbidden area saw Gu Yao’s sage, it was even more amazing to give out a burst of amazement.
On weekdays, they have no chance to see these strong people!
What’s worse is this sage who has many sayings about Gu Yao!
At the beginning of the birth of the ancient Yao saint in the world, she was called the goddess. Anyone who had a chance will never forget it.
Some people even call it the best of both worlds!
"Gu Yao Dao You"
The Nine-Day Sage heard that Gu Yao Sage had a bad tone and didn’t know his purpose. He hurriedly said hello and didn’t dare to neglect.
Zhu Tian, a saint in hot weather, and two of them showed a little respect for Gu Yao’s saint and leaned down slightly.
There will be some differences in strength and status with saints.
Zhu Tian’s saints are all from the holy land of ancestral fire.
And the ancient Yao sage is the daughter of the ancestral fire Lord.
"Who did you just call an old thing?"
Gu Yao saint eyes turned and fell on a hot day saint face light asked.
"Is he …"

Hang Yu couldn’t help but feel glad that if the secret medicine of the abyss had not been made in time, even if he could explore this trench, it would not be as easy as it is now, and the difficulty of exploration would be greatly increased.

Soon after
There are some monsters in Hangyu’s visual field sensing range.
These monsters look like giant seaweed growing out of trench rocks, twisting quietly in the sea, but if you get close, you will find that this is not seaweed, but a purple-black tentacle covered with barbs.
Hang Yu recognized this thing.
[Deep Sea Devil Touch] Level 17 bronze overlord monster!
This is a very difficult and special monster, both individual and whole.
If I guess correctly, there will be nearly a hundred "Pit Lord Touches" nearby, each of which seems to be independent, but in fact they are all dominated by the same will.
That’s the "Deep Sea Devil"!
You can tell from the name … this is a king monster, a bronze king monster. Hang Yu has dealt with the Red Sand Devil before. The Red Sand Devil belongs to a subspecies, and this guy is a monster to the core!
King level monsters are very rare.
At the same time, it is also very difficult to deal with the submarine aborigines in Xihai Province. In fact, there are quite a few aborigines, but no aborigines dare to approach this area because this deep-sea demon king is here.
This guy is good at the number of mental attacks. He has a great advantage in front of him. He has insufficient resistance and will. No matter how many different mental attacks come, he will die!
According to Hang Yu’s knowledge
Where the deep sea devil is
Is the entrance to the ruins city.
How did this ruins city appear in Xihai Province? Even Hang Yu doesn’t know much about it. It should be an ancient god war or a conflict between the strong.
At that time, the deep-sea demon king was moved here by powerful forces, with the main purpose of guarding the ruins city, but since then, no one has ever been to this ruins city and turned it into a forgotten city.
Just find the deep sea devil!
Hang Yu dare not careless.
He knows very well how strong a king monster is
I can fight alone without reinforcements, not even a wet nurse
Therefore, it is foolish to directly attack this monster!
Hang Yu found several ways to deal with the deep-sea demon king through innate memory, but the current situation can make violent means, that is, directly solve the deep-sea demon king once and for all
Monsters like this are very rare.
It usually takes decades to resurrect.
As the saying goes, things are scarce and precious because kings are rare. If you can kill a king, you will get a lot of gains.
"The strength of the deep-sea demon king mainly comes from the fact that these demons touch me. I want to keep the current state and destroy these tentacles. Even the deep-sea demon king will become a toothless tiger."
Just do it!
Hang Yu drew his weapon and rushed to the nearest deep-sea devil to touch him.
The attack of the Deep Sea Devil is a large-scale differential coverage, which makes the number of superior departments in front of it be involved in the fantasy by mental interference.
Like Hang Yu.
If you have super-high will and mental resistance to resist the different large-scale mental attacks of the deep-sea devil, you must master the right method and Hangyu’s strength is hopeful to win.
Pit Lord is very aggressive.
But even if the bronze overlord reaches level 17, it will not threaten Hangyu.

If it weren’t for the change of the gods’ list and the establishment of heaven by yourself, you could already be in charge of heaven and earth. Once the trend is formed, it is not easy for saints to stop it.

In particular, I am still the spokesman of this vast heaven, but this name of heaven gives heaven a real rule over heaven and earth.
Now, the only thing that stands in the way is this variation of the list of gods, and we must completely suppress it, otherwise even if the heaven is established, we must always face the threat of the list of gods.
"Now the Terran general trend has been difficult to control and learn. After a large number of masters of Buddhism, Taoism and Buddhism were reincarnated into the Terran adult race, the two sides competed for the soil fertility of this day."
There has been no talk female suddenly said
Gao Cai couldn’t help but meditate. Although the female Shifa is not too high, she doesn’t lose a way out. Now there are many Terran practitioners, heavenly generals and masters in the heaven, which can make them reincarnate and rebuild to Terran, which not only increases their influence in Terran, but also doesn’t worry about being accepted by the gods list.
Then he nodded, "This is a very good method for female Greek friends. I will arrange for them to be reincarnated and rebuilt after I return to heaven. I also control the underworld and a part of The six great divisions in the wheel of karma, so that they can directly keep their memories and part of their magic!"
After saying this, Gao Cai said to Fuxi, "The Taoist priest Fuxi’s list of gods has been changed to absorb the masters of heaven and earth, and this list of gods has been suppressed. He specially came to borrow the River Tuluo from Taoist friends to arrange a large array of stars on Sunday. Taoist friends can rest assured that this River Tuluo will be returned to Taoist friends in the future!"
After hearing Gao Cai’s words, Fuxi meditated and looked at the emptiness. After seeing the array of gods and evil spirits and the array of immortals, he nodded his head and said, "Since Taoist friends are big, I can lend them to Taoist friends temporarily!"
Said that a little river in Fuxi’s hand slowly drifted to Gao Cai’s hand.
Chapter six hundred and eleven incarnation of heaven
"Thank you, Fuxi Daoyou, for helping me. I’ll go back and decorate the Star Array this Sunday, and at the same time, I’ll trouble the three Daoyou to take care of those Terrans who haven’t invested in Buddhism and Taoism!"
Got the river figure high just don’t delay to the three people said a change after a rainbow light towards the gods list.
When Gao Cai left, Fuxi three people also flew into the Terran, ready to rectify the Terran and take care of some Terrans who have not been bewitched by Buddhism and Taoism.
When Gao Cai came to the deity list, Taiyiren was arranging the shining golden magic to decorate the large array of immortals. Seeing this situation, Gao Cai was pleased that the large array of immortals was not bad, but it could suppress some hooligans and add a large array of gods to suppress the deity list.
When I saw Gao Cai coming, I asked before, and my eyes were anxious.
"Have Taoist friends ever borrowed Hetuluo?"
Too a direct front asked dribbling looking at Gao Cai let Gao Cai slightly one leng didn’t expect this demon race to have such an urgent need for Hetuluo.
"Hey hey friends don’t get me wrong!"
Sensing the strange look in Gao Cai’s eyes, Tai Yi smiled and then said slowly, "This Hetuluo arrangement of the Star-studded array on Sunday can attract heaven and earth to refine the body of the demon family, and the demon family stationed in the Star-studded array on Sunday can maintain its vitality even saints can’t hurt them!"
Here, Taiyi’s eyes are getting more and more serious, and his eyes are eager with a hint of prayer. Now the strength of the demon clan has been seriously damaged. If we can keep one hundred demon saints and several demon clan masters, the demon clan will not decline in the future!
After listening to Tai Yi’s words, Gao Cai is also a sense of urgency in his heart. He is considered by the demon race as a whole, and this Sunday, the stars are afraid that he will be able to refine these three bodies of the Sun to enhance their strength.
However, this Sunday’s large array of stars is precisely the suppression of the gods list. These demon families can benefit from it and will certainly do their best to achieve a win-win situation.
"I borrowed Hetuluo to trouble Taoist friends to deploy, but this Sunday’s large array of stars is to guard against saints and gods, in case the heaven should send half its strength to take charge of the stars!"
Gao Cai thought slightly and said slowly that he didn’t intend to hand over the 100 main stars of the large array of stars on Sunday to the demon family, otherwise the demon family would have mastered the biggest killer, and it would be too dangerous if they turned against each other.
"What Taoist friends say is right!"
Taiyi’s eyes exude a little disappointment, but it is enough for the demon family to master half of the main stars and the stars all over the sky.
"Please ask Taoist friends to deploy!"
Gao Cai didn’t pester these questions directly, saying that there were fifty-four Jin Xian flying out of the heaven where he was looking, and waiting in vain.
And Taiyi also chose fifty-four demon saints to wait in vain, and then Taiyi East Emperor Bell shook and one hundred flags flew out in vain, arranged according to the stars on Sunday.
"these flag banners were made by our demon tribe in a vast place where the stars were arranged on Sunday. If you want to forge them, you can forge them without a meeting!"
After calling out one hundred stars banners, Taiyi boasted a little and said to Gao Cai.
"Only with the help of Taoist friends can the power of the stars increase this Sunday!"
At this time, Gao Cai is not stingy with his compliments.
With the conversation between two people, one hundred Jin Xian poured into these flag banners to take charge of and refine them. When each Jin Xian took charge of refining, the one hundred flag banners thundered and shook a hundred giant planets with different colors and different smells.
These planets are arranged around to form a huge Milky Way, which is derived from a number of small stars, and it forms a huge and gorgeous star world.
This star world floats slowly in the world of the gods list, surrounded by a large array of gods and evil spirits to form an Angzang giant
Looking from a distance, a gorgeous floating world is better than the Milky Way, in which a giant quietly overlooks all the stars.
And the list of gods was besieged by this star, and it could no longer show its shape. Even if someone in the list of gods rushed out, it was instantly swallowed up and killed by the Milky Way and the giant.
Tens of millions of demon tribes flew into the derivative stars and hid in the depths of the Milky Way at the time of the Milky Way.
A huge long hiss turned the sun into a huge sun and disappeared into the depths of the Milky Way.
Seeing this scene, Gao Cai’s eyes were set and he laughed and ignored it.
"Let Taoist friends laugh at me. The Sun clan can’t afford to consume. We must leave one person!"
Too one is not afraid of anything to ha ha a smile. Gao Cai said lightly with Xiao Suo and Nai in his tone.
"Don’t worry, the demon clan will not destroy the sun!"
Gao Cai didn’t go to see Taiyi as he entered the Milky Way and said lightly that the sound was full of poor self-confidence and bullying, which made Taiyi look shocked and slowly watched Gao Cai and then followed him into the Milky Way on Sunday.
After entering the Star River on Sunday, Gao Cai’s figure was transformed into a big one, and he was at ease. He sat cross-legged in the center of the Star River, and all the gods and evil spirits were arrayed into giants.

Ye Gucheng didn’t answer. It seems that he doesn’t want to answer Li Zhichang now.

At the same time, a few days later, Ximen Chuixue appeared in the Jianghu and sent a message to Ye Gucheng. When Ximen Chuixue decided, Ye Gucheng set a place.
"Full moon night purple forbidden top; A sword flying from the west to the sky "This is a blind date, and this war has also caused a sensation in the rivers and lakes.
Huo Tianqing, the general building of the brothel, got the news. Bai Choufei was sitting next to him, and there was also a man with four eyebrows. This man was Lu Xiaofeng.
Bai Choufei said, "After all these days, why haven’t you heard from Master Li?"
Huo Tianqing leisurely said, "No news is not bad news."
Bai Choufei said, "After all, it was Ye Gucheng who stopped Li’s adult that day."
Huo Tianqing smiled at Lu Xiaofeng. "Liu Xiong, you are the only living person from Ye Gucheng. You also played with Li Xiong. Do you think Li Xiong will die in Ye Gucheng’s hand?"
Lu Xiaofeng said, "To tell the truth, I don’t think that fellow Li Zhichang will die. Maybe all of us here are dead, and he won’t die and he will live well."
Huo Tianqing said, "We also want him to live well, but what you should worry about most now is Ximen Chuixue."
Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre
The first chapter wins in people’s leisure
Thousands of miles of frozen land is covered with snow and ice, especially when the north wind blows. Li Zhichang is lying in the snow, surrounded by debris mixed in the snow. He and Ye Gucheng compete with the sword to the most important point. When the flying fairy in Ye Gucheng defeats the ninth sword of the Galaxy, the horse will let nature take its course and give birth to the ninth sword of the Galaxy completely, and the sword will be controlled by himself.
At the same time, when the ninth change came into being in his heart, the spirit was mysteriously connected with the stone room, and it seemed that there was a pause at that moment. He used that little sense of induction to induce the stone room along that way. He found that the stone room had opened another door, and he could clearly know that he could go in along that door if he wanted to move his mind at this time.
And that door is familiar with the smell.
Li Zhichang knew that with his state at this time, the ninth sword of the Milky Way for nine days would definitely be produced. At the same time, after this sword was stabbed, Ye Gucheng and he must have a person to die. But if there was no Ye Gucheng, how could he sublimate his own way? If there was no choice, he would inevitably regret the ninth sword. Since he had a second choice, he showed a strange look and entered the door without hesitation with the help of stone traction.
Ye Gucheng came out of the sky to crack the change of Li Zhichang’s sword. When Li Zhichang’s sword changed, a strange tremor suddenly occurred at the tip. It was like when the flowers were in bud, he immediately knew that the other sword had changed again, and that change actually brought him a sense of death.
Ye Gucheng knew that when the change was completed, it was either his death or Li Zhichang’s death. More likely, they both died together. But then the change suddenly stopped and Li Zhichang suddenly disappeared.
Ye Gucheng has some regrets and some rejoicing. Unfortunately, he didn’t see the wonderful change of the Ninth Sword after all. The joy is that neither he nor Li Zhichang died. At the same time, Fei Xian from outer space stimulated him by that change, and he also found Fei Xian from outer space. His cage, which was built by himself, was actually loose.
Ye Gucheng doesn’t know where Li Zhichang went, but he knows that Li Zhichang must not be dead, but he doesn’t know whether he can see Li Zhichang again for the rest of his life and let him see the change of the ninth sword.
Li Zhichang was actually in the middle after entering Xinqimen. His martial arts were so high that ghosts and gods were unpredictable, but he couldn’t resist flying. When he was flying high and low, his ability was running. I couldn’t help but beat the strong palm, hoping to slow down the downward trend. But he forgot that he was in high school, and what he relied on was getting faster and faster from the rebound.
At this time, it was freezing and white, and the sunlight reflected from the snow was quite dazzling. Although his eyes were falling at a high speed, he vaguely saw a big snow drift. He knew that if he was facing the head, even if he had a hard time, his best performance would be nothing more than falling off his arms and breaking his mind.
Therefore, he struggled to turn back and fill his feet with qi. He could move a little, but it was flat all around. Fortunately, if it was flat, his feet fell into the snow. If it was flat, the strength would lose its buffer and he had to bury himself in the snow alive.
His feet struggled hard to touch the snow drift. This snow drift was actually an exposed stone. He injected his true qi and tried to lengthen it as long as possible. At the same time, his leg muscles trembled evenly and withstood the anti-shock force. Finally, he saved his life by turning into several pieces of gravel.
It’s a pity that the thigh was hit hard and the legs were broken. It’s Li Zhichang’s concentration that has reached the point where everything is motionless and he still almost fainted in pain. Now he doesn’t know that he is in the meridians and has a burning feeling. It is this powerful counterattack that hurts his insides.
If ordinary people had been injured by him, they would have died. Fortunately, he was powerful in vitality and was good at recuperating his bowels. Except for his mobility, he didn’t worry about his life.
Don’t you know that a long-haired boy lying in the snow ten feet away from him was really shocked to see him fall from a height and smash into several pieces of stone and petrochemical, but he was still alive.
The long-haired boy debuted far away. "Are you all right, brother? Are you thinking about falling from a height? Since God bless you, don’t be suicidal again." The long-haired boy’s own life is miserable and pity his own people. Li Zhichang also has something to be sad about.
Li Zhichang saw a long-haired boy lying in the snow next to the woodpile in the distance, even though he committed suicide to comfort himself. He almost had no heart. He was still grateful to the young man for his kindness. "Thank you, little brother, for being original in kindness, but he accidentally slipped from a cliff and didn’t mean to die."
Long-haired boy said, "Oh, it’s actually a Taoist priest and a small Taoist priest. What’s your sadness? I can’t think of it for a moment. It’s a pity that I can’t salute when I’m injured." Long-haired boy has a monk who is close to the elder, so seeing Li Zhichang as a Taoist priest is much closer.
Li Zhichang saw that the woodpile was very messy. He had a high medical skill. Naturally, he could see that the young man, like him, fell from a high cliff and was seriously injured. Li Zhichang himself fell from a high cliff and was seriously injured. It was not a small matter that the young man was able to speak out despite his great luck in the woodpile.
Li Zhichang’s chest martial arts is all-encompassing, and it is also faintly felt that if the teenager breathes, he will not lose when he was young, but he actually has no clue as to whether the teenager practiced martial arts. Li Zhichang’s own qualifications are vertical and horizontal, ancient and modern, and whether this teenager actually has the skill to lose when he was a teenager at this age. Li Zhichang is not jealous, but he is also curious to see such wonders.
Li Zhichang knew that it was urgent to find out whether the world was a square world and how many people were like teenagers, so Chang Jian propped himself up slightly and asked, "I can’t wander the Jianghu for a long time. I don’t know if the sects in the Jianghu have the greatest potential in recent years?"
Long-haired boy heard Li Zhichang suddenly ask Jianghu things. He saw that the Taoist priest was well dressed and seriously injured, but his demeanor was really rare. He was also a famous and famous person in Jianghu. I didn’t expect the other party to stay away from Jianghu for a long time. He suffered a lot of sinister things in recent years, but his mind was simple. Li Zhichang didn’t ask him about his origin, but asked something that ordinary Jianghu people knew. Therefore, he honestly replied, "Today, there are six schools, among which Wudang, Shaolin Jianghu is the first famous school, and then there are four schools: Kongtong, Emei, Kunlun and Huashan. "He has a deep relationship with wu-tang clan, and naturally he unconsciously puts Wudang in the front. Speaking of the other five schools, it is his enemy. I can’t help but feel dejected at the thought of his parents’ tragic death.
Li Zhichang looked down when he saw the teenager talking about the six major schools. He was not a lover of the world, so he knew that the teenager and the six major schools might have done a lot.
So he changed the subject and said, "Little brother, I see that you are also pregnant with a unique talent. I’m afraid you have few opponents in martial arts in this Jianghu."
Long-haired boy was stuck. "Taoist priest, don’t say that little martial arts are humble, or you won’t be assassinated many times. Look at me now, if I have peerless martial arts, how can I fall into such a tragic situation?" He thought carefully that if he had peerless martial arts, his parents wouldn’t have died in those days, and he thought that he was only about ten years old, how could he practice peerless martial arts? Even now his martial arts are extremely humble, and he didn’t know that he would have to wait until June.
Don’t you know that what he said startled Li Zhichang? You know, if martial arts reach a high level, learning what martial arts is easy, and juvenile skills are put before him. There are few people in the Lu Xiaofeng world, even if they have some superficial fists, unless Jin Jiuling, a master of this level, meets others to protect himself, there is no problem.
Such martial arts are actually considered to be inferior in the Jianghu of the world. Li Zhichang could see that the young man’s tone of voice was heartfelt, so even though the young man was modest, his martial arts did not reach the first-class level in the Jianghu.
Li Zhichang can’t imagine that those people at the top of the world have reached such a state. Can they already fly to the ground? Li Zhichang can almost see what the extreme of budo is after he realizes the ninth sword, but now it seems that he is far from enough.
Li Zhichang smiled gently and said, "I didn’t expect so many strange people in this world. When I get well, I must find a chance to go for a while." His character has always been happy-go-lucky, so although the juvenile talk surprised him, it didn’t make him afraid.
Then slowly chanting, "Climbing one mountain after another is not the highest refusal to climb. I want a long life, which is better than being idle."
Long-haired boy heard Li Zhichang sing songs when it was really natural and unrestrained and carefree, but he was seriously injured. After saying a few words, he felt a little faint pain. Li Zhi often had no other things, so he secretly ran the true qi to recuperate the injured two people’s peace.
The second chapter mastermind
Li Zhichang, a young man with long hair, naturally noticed that his exposed life characteristics almost disappeared. If Li Zhichang knew that his youth was deep and his vitality was far stronger than that of ordinary people, he almost died for a long time. From this, Li Zhichang can also see that his youth is no small feat, and even a great master like him can’t judge his physical condition.
Like Li Zhichang, the martial arts master’s thoughts spread almost everywhere, and it can be judged from a person’s breathing and footsteps that the other person is from a sect. It is really surprising for Li Zhichang to be able to hide from Li Zhichang’s perception. What’s worse, Li Zhichang can’t judge the sect function practiced by the teenager until now. Judging the other person’s practice method from the teenager’s breathing before he dies seems that Buddhism and Taoism are mixed and profound. Obviously, juvenile practice is a very deep skill, and perhaps it is not in his miraculous skill.
Li Zhichang thought that his miraculous feat was the most powerful of all the feats in the sky, even the martial arts classics such as Jiuyin Zhenjing and Yijinjing were still inferior. I didn’t know that juvenile practice was amazing and miraculous, but it could be said side by side with his miraculous feat.
At the moment, Li Zhichang threw away his curiosity about the teenager. Lying in the snow, the biting cold constantly stimulated his skin, which made his mind more calm. His magical power was much less for his sleep needs. Therefore, he quietly looked at the night, the night was as cold as ice, and the cold wind was piercing Li Zhichang’s mood was quite mixed. Since his life, he has not been as embarrassed as he is today, nor has he been so at a loss as he is today.
He has long been aware that his injury is not fatal, but his leg bones are broken too much. If he wants to be intact, it will take half a year. This is why he can only do this if his medical skills are unpredictable. If others are afraid of being disabled all their lives.
His most serious injury is nothing serious, so he needs to wait for a few days for the injury to heal a little, so his actions will hinder him and he will be able to protect himself then.
If this Jianghu is really as terrible as a teenager, even a few masters can’t cope with it, but Li Zhichang has a broad mind and has never drawn his sword all the way by his hand. He has come over with many difficulties and obstacles in the past, and he is not afraid of trouble in the future.
What’s more, if Li Zhichang perceives that the young man is really the last person in the Jianghu, wouldn’t he be the most powerful person in the fairy world and have to be able to move mountains and rivers? If so, can’t he get the fairy fate? On the other hand, he also guessed that the young man may be pregnant with peerless martial arts and didn’t know it before he felt that his martial arts were humble. Li Zhichang’s heart was stifled and looked at the edge of the night. Although the stars were sparse and the moon was thin, he felt cute. He also ran the magic and waited for three days. After that, Li Zhichang’s viscera injury had healed,
After three days together, Li Zhichang also knew the name of the teenager called Zeng A Niu. He was very careful not to confide in Li Zhichang at all. Because of the injury, they unconsciously talked about medical skills, which surprised Li Zhichang. Although the young medical skills were very high, they were not worse than him, but they often had great insights.
Li Zhichang knew that his medical skill was not his strong point, but it was also a wonderful doctor. It was as if A Niu could sit with him in medical skill and talk about it, which made him think highly of it.
His own knowledge is complicated. Although Bai Choufei is gifted and peerless, he can inherit several martial arts he has learned. Even Bai Choufei can’t be distracted to learn this Zeng A Niu didn’t know that he had learned from others, and his martial arts knowledge was not bad. He also had a medical skill. Li Zhichang can also say a few words when he occasionally talks about law.
Nowadays, Li Zhichang is a rare martial arts master. Seeing Zeng A Niu talking with him so speculatively, he can’t help but envy Master Zeng A Niu for being able to train such a good brother.